Tag Archives: BUMIGEB; Burkina

IGS completes five-year association with the Burkina Faso Mines Bureau (BUMIGEB)

IGS has successfully completed a 5 year association (2013-18) with the Bureau des Mines et de la GĂ©ologie du Burkina (BUMIGEB) providing geoscientific Technical Assistance under the World Bank supported PADSEM project, 2012-2018. Through its staff and associate consultants, IGS has been responsible for the technical supervision and quality control of a series of regional geothematic mapping surveys. These included multi-sensor (magnetics & radiometrics) high-resolution airborne geophysical surveys over an area of 134,400 km2 covering the eastern half of the country (Blocks A, B & D) flown at 400m line-spacing; a geological/structural mapping and mineral assessment of 13 x 1:200,000 scale sheets; the compilation of a new 1:1,000,000 national map; and regional geochemical sampling of the southwestern sector of the country at a density of 1/10km2. In addition IGS provided technical assistance to BUMIGEB in the development of a geoscience database and web-based portal to facilitate controlled access to the new geodata to promote investment into the mining and mineral sector through exploration.

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