IGS completes Mozambique mapping project
On schedule, IGS, together with its partners BRGM, Gondwana and PGW, completed a mapping project in north-eastern Mozambique with the delivery of ten geological maps at a scale of 1:50,000 and the accompanying sheet explanations in two volumes for the geology and the mineral resources.

The approved products were passed on to INAMI (Instituto Nacional de Minas) on 11 November 2022.
The project was undertaken within the World Bank-financed Mining And Gas Technical Assistance Project (MAGTAP). Work included the acquisition and compilation of historical data, the interpretation of airborne geophysical data, the compilation of 25 preliminary geological maps, geological mapping of approximately 7,500 km2, inspection and cataloguing of all resource, the assessment of the resource potential, laboratory work (thin sections, whole rock analyses, age determination) and the production of ten geological maps and their accompanying GIS databases at a scale of 1:50000. Furthermore, five sheets of the Geological Map Series 1:250 000 were revised to incorporate the results of the survey.
(For more information please contact us at enquiries@igsint.com)
Mozambique MAGTAP project – Field programme begins
The field programme for the geological mapping project was started with a kick-off workshop in Maputo (3 & 4 June 2019). The workshop took place in the lecture hall of the Museum of Natural History in Maputo. The field programme commenced on 8 July with the first field campaign running until 10 August. Two more campaigns are scheduled for 2019. Presenters were Christoph J. Dobmeier (IGS), Stephen Reford (PGW, first row, left), and Frederick Hartzer (IGS, addressing the audience). Other attendees were staff from INAMI, DNGM, and the University of Maputo, the MAGTAP technical supervision team (Hannu Makitie and Esko Korkiakoski, first and second from right), and representatives of private companies.
Frik Hartzer (IGS) addresses the workshop